Monday, November 01, 2010

Day #+24 after transplant

Roger just asked me if I know everybody in the ITA. As different Dr.s and nurses walk by they say hi or wave. I then reminded him how long I have been coming and still didn't know the nurse I have today. I have met most of the PA's that work up here. I also know quite a few of the Dr.'s who run the cancer trials since I am in 4 different trials here. Most only require blood at different times while one requires a journal, medicine, blood work etc... When asked why I participate in the trials I respond that if people before had not done the same many of the treatments for cancer or side effect drugs would not be available to me today. Some one needs to be the guinea pig!
Today I am feeling better and am just waiting on the blood work to come back to find out how I am doing as well. Slept most of the weekend and rested the rest of the weekend. One of the side effects of the treatment is that my hands and feet are beginning to peel as if they were sun burned. Last night my thumb peeled and today the palms of both hands are. Dr. says that is fine and is normal after what all has been done to me. New bone marrow and now new skin.
Looks like another long day; 3 bags magnesium, 2 bags potasium. One of the drugs they give me drains the body of magnesium and some people react more to it or so they tell me. I also need more protein...since the main thing I eat on this diet is meat we shall see how to add more.
Just something new to add to the adventure of my lifetime.
Well until the next update...May God prove himself as faithful to you and your family as he is doing to our family.


At 6:35 PM , Blogger robin said...

Hi Lisa, Great to hear from you even in a blog. I miss talking to you and our lunches. It won't be long and you will be home surrounded by family and friends and you will be wishing for your solitude again---LOL

Love you and you are in my prayers---Robin


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