Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A very long week

Today is the first day that I have felt apart of the human race again. It is the first day that I have been able to stay awake without feeling like I want to fall asleep. It is also the first day I have not run a fever which is one reason I feel better. I have begun week two which is filled with radiation and then the transplant on Fri. It seems that we can now get to Stanford in our sleep - since we have traveled there sooo many days in a row. My caregiver for the next 3 weeks is Rebecca. I am glad for her organization and company! It is nice that her husband was willing to share her.
Georgia is doing well with her new family of 6. The puppies have begun to open their eyes and they are adorable to watch. I will try to post a picture of them soon.
Thanks to all who are praying me through this and for those who have volunteered to feed my family at home.


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