Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sat. a day of reflection

Sat. is normally resting from the week and preparing for the next week. Today is no different except with a little more discomfort from the last day or so. I am always amazed at what has happened when I look back on a week. Most of the time I feel like nothing is getting done while the week is happening and then looking back makes be feel like lots has been accomplished. This must have something to do with "perspective". The same holds true of raising children...while in the midst I am not sure things will work out but then a chance to look back and see the growth and wow... change has been made. I think we often need these chances to look back to enable us to want to go on. We are such tangible humans...we need to see that we are needed and making a difference to someone.
I am glad that God is so secure in the fact of us needing him and that he has sacrificed himself to make a difference in our lives that he never wavers of frets about his love and impact on our lives. He is the tree planted by the water who does not waver in the wind and he can give us the same strength when we ask. OK God, I want to be a huge old oak tree that provides shade and comfort, a place of shelter, limbs to climb on and have fun in for both my family and friends. I know that together we can and will do this...Thanks


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