Friday, September 03, 2010

Marathon Dr. Visits...How many can you do in a week?

You will notice that there are three post for the same date...started out on VOX but they are closing down and I changed back to the really old blog that I used to do. Sorry about the change.
Today I had a Dr. appointment at 1:40 and before 2:00 I had another one.....By the time I was home there were two more waiting for me. So as follows Thurs. 8:00 Trans-thoracic complete echo, 1:00 Resp.diagnostic monitoring with pulmonary function test. Fri. morning 8:00 am a Bone Marrow aspiration and biopsy with cytogenetics. Followed by blood test, chest Xrays....and of course I am suppose to be sure and get rest in between. So I think I will be more than ready to go to Stanford and get some rest. Next week looks more peacful and quiet but, then again we haven't gotten to next week....I guess busy is better than bored.
I really thank God we have insurance...It is amazing how much they cover and will continue to cover during the rest of this process. Not sure how the new "government" plan would do but at least it will be done before I will have to find out.


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