Thursday, December 16, 2004

Christmas is coming!

Well it is getting to look a lot like Christmas....One kid of mine likes to sing this from the roof tops...Won't say which one. One advantage and disadvantage of living in a large family is that one has to learn to be flexible. Being married to and related to Larry gives us much more practice than one deserves though. Mexico mission trip is off for the winter break :( for most of us. Wonder what his mind has been thinking of over in China???? to fill in those "boring days" the kids will have while home from fast paced college life. Oh, for the good old "boring days"!
The kids come home Fri. We managed to get them all on one flight to pick up at the airport. TX and CA schools let out at the same time this year. Then Sat. we get to go hear the Kings Brass, and eat a delicious dinner at Mt. Hermon. Pick up Dad at the airport Sun. and head to Lake Tahoe to play in the snow. This will be hard for Daniel since he just broke his hand and arm in 3 different places. I am not so sure this saying is true but every one tells him he was "lucky" cause he broke his left hand and he is right handed. Guess it depends on the eye or should I say hand of the beholder. He was our avid snowboarder. But he will have fun with hot choc., snacks, a good book, and a newish old gas power car that he recently acquired.
I have lots of cookies to make, clothes to get ready, house to clean, meals to prepare and as always there never seems to be enough time. Either I need more time or I need to cut back on my expectations.?. Do I feel a new years resolutions coming into focus here? Naw....
Well, with Andrew and Roger now sick, I need to start my day. Hope all who read this are getting into the holiday spirit. As the song says Oh come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant...(By the way that means us Christians...are to come...Joyful and triumphant! Not two words I would always use about myself but with Christ help maybe more often during the next year)
I do plan to blog some more during this year but not sure when so to


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