Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Getting Old

I have been noticing and make many despairing remarks recently about getting old. I think it is about time to offset some of those awful, true, and sometimes too revealing remarks with some of the benefits of getting old.

1. This is aimed at the college more classes, test, and I know what my major is and it doesn't matter that I don't use it! School is of a much different mode when you become the teacher instead of the taught.
2. I can eat choc. or anything I want at anytime and since I pay for most of it I don't even have to share!
3. I can tell the same old story over and over and over again and get by with it cause the first thing to go is the memory. Well it might not be the first to go but it sure is getting shorter.
4. I don't have to do the date thing with strangers and wonder who I am going to spend the rest of my life with. OK almost half of my life is gone and I am with the same old man I married many years ago. There is great comfort in the known and history of being loved.
5. I can eat more choc. and drink diet soda even though they kind of contradict themselves.
6. I can use my age and oldness to not do things that others want me to try....bungy jumping, sailing, golf, moving to China......and the list goes on.
7. I can use the same excuse to try things I want to .....I am not getting any younger, you know.
8. Most of all, I have years of experience that God is in control and that he really does love me!
9. I have ten children, whom I am proud of, and that I cherish and I think or know that they love me.
10. If I can't see it because my eyes aren't the same as they use to be...then I can relax because it wasn't so important anyways.
11. As I look around at friends and family, I can see the roads they have chosen, follow in some of their footsteps, choose to stay away from others, and have some resemblance of being wise.
12. I have learned to laugh at my mistakes and other's mistakes - not at the person doing them.
13. Of course, I can eat more choc. and have another diet soda.
14. I have learned that good health does not make good people....some of the blessing in life is to need people and to be needed by people.
15. Never a day goes by that you can't make a new acquaintance, or change one into a new friend.
16. That a heart of gratitude, goes so much further than any other foul disposition I might be in.
17. That this list can go on and on and on and on and on and long as I am looking to see the good in life
18. That when this life is over that I will go on and on and on and on because He lives!
Now you won't believe how my heart has changed and my sights about being older not so threatening.....Challenge you.....Add to the list.


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