Friday, October 08, 2004


The weekend has arrived........I am not sure if it is much different from the week but it is suppose to be "special" something to look forward too. When you make meals, clean house, watch children, reg. daily duties.....they don't just stop because it is the "weekend." Now when you are in school and there are classes and homework and then the "WEEKEND" with none of the afore mentioned items, then, there might be cause for celebration. But, even the dreaded hw slowly filters into weekends when one gets into high school and college. So alas, it is just another day at the end of many other days.
This weekend is slightly different since it follows the all important b'day of the head of the household who, for some reason this year feels he deserves a very long multi-day b'day. Seems he feels that as he gets older he needs more time to much in one day might cause his some mental or bodily harm. So tonight we have lasagne, garlic bread, corn, swiss chard, and lemon pie and apple pie. He went sailing and had a special breakfast on his "offical birthday". He took all the kids on the boat, can ask him about the sailing dingy when you nest talk to him. Maybe not to good idea to tow it with lifejacket, oars,sail, center board. It is amazing what a good sudden wind can do to it!?!? Maybe we can buy him replacements for Christmas.
So I need to go and supervise the party plans...Hope all who read this have a great matter what is in store. Same old, same old or something really special.


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