Monday, May 02, 2005

Another month has gone....and only a few more weeks till summer. Kids arrive home from college this weekend...can't believe this year is over for them. Hope they learned lots and remember some of it. Now to get ready to pay for next year.
We are currently enduring the saga of the ducks. Bought 6, 4 died off some what slowly and messily, replaced with 4 small we wait. Chickens are everywhere. We have around 30 or so chicks. White leghorns and 3 ones of breed unkown arrived yesterday... free to 4Her's. The other 15 I bought several weeks ago and they are all growing and getting feathers. Will have Jon. design and build a coop in the fenced in 7 acers up top. Can't let Larry do it, he will build them a house big enough for the family to live in. Rachel should be in her glory this summer reliving her love for chickens. (I hope)
Dad is in parts unkown. Every one that knows him can vouch that he has timing problems. They are arriving in Vietnam, along with 30,000 other people to celebrate 30 years since they won the war against the US. Way to go..!! Then he, David, and Joe are off to Cambodia. 95% of the people there cook with wood. 15% of the houses have electricity and indoor plumbing. The 4 most deadly snakes in the world live there. A large part of the population are amputees due to the land mines....... so God has his hands full during this next two weeks or so protecting the crew while they are away.
Andrew has taught himself the alphabet and how to write the numbers to 10. No more excuses for this is now in session. Actually, right now sleep is a required subject. Off to put kids to bed.


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