Thursday, August 18, 2005

Timing is everything

Dates are now set. Julies heart ablation is Aug. 26th. That is Rebecca's 18th birthday so we will celebrate it early - this Sun. instead. Then pack up two college kids and send them off Thurs.. morning early...or so the plan goes. Julie must also be packed and ready for college since she wont feel like it after her surgery. They estimate an overnight stay and then home and take it real easy for 3 days then just mild stuff for 2 weeks...sure she is off to college (How mild do you think she will be?) This reminds me of when the doctor says....Go home and get some rest - to a mother of 10...sure thing, no problem. There are the last min. doctor appointments for Rachel, last days of work for many, oh and school has started for the two in HS, misc.. packing and cleaning, a special birthday, also Rachel just discovered her financial aid package has disappeared, just a few things to do in this next week. So after I get done eating the next package of bon bons....putting my feet up....taking an hour long bubble bath....getting my nails done....I might find time to do some of those annoying task. At least Dad is happy, eating his bowl of ice cream, laying in his squishy water bed, reading a historical book..... I really am happy, just a bit busy, with many people needing my time and energy. This was not the time to get a kidney infection....but my timing has never been that great. So this woman needs to go to bed, sleep twice as fast, wake up refreshed and energetic, try to be organized and get lots accomplished.....This is beginning to sound like one of those superhuman comic books. Well, at least I may get a laugh or two....


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