Sunday, June 25, 2006


Today's thought..........
Leadership is not a title or a position. It is the ability to influence people.
Everyone is a leader.
If this is true...who do you lead? and how do you lead?
Godly?. good?, just get by?, or even bad?
Do you need to be perfect to lead or to be a good leader? NO!
If this is also true then who leads us? and who do we allow to influence us?
Hopefully our leader is Christ who was and is perfect.
The sign of admiration is who do we mimic?
Will those we influence who follow in our footsteps see Christ?
This is just a summary of what was said today in Church. Anyway it made me think about the leadership I provide and the influence I have....and how I need to improve it by not loosing sight of Christ the perfect leader.


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